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Astaro ist eine Abkürzung für Astaro Internet Security.

Astaro simplifies network security. Small and medium-sized businesses in particular are able to shape a comfortable, yet more effective network environment through Astaro solutions, protecting against data theft, viruses, spyware and spam.

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Astaro's unique approach includes the integration of ten diverse security applications in a single appliance. Based on the proven quality of the Linux platform, Astaro integrates "Best of Breed" solutions through a combination of open source and leading commercial security products. This concept forged the most feature rich "all in one" appliance for network security on the market today. Astaro Security Gateway integrates network protection, web filtering and email security into an intuitive and easy to use, web based user interface.

IT administrators are able to deploy Astaro Security Gateway as software, hardware or as a virtual appliance. The Astaro portfolio is rounded off by powerful management and reporting facilities, which also support the managed services model. Through the "all in one" approach, Astaro has become one of today's most highly regarded suppliers of Unified Threat Management (UTM) solutions.

Astaro Security Gateway is ICSA and Common Criteria certified. With superior functionality and its intuitive user interface, Astaro solutions have been internationally commended by leading IT security publications. Over 100,000 IT administrators entrust their network with security appliances from Astaro.




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Begriff-Schnellsuche: http://clexi.com/ram